Building Resilience to Political-Religious Extremism
The fifth Train the Trainer Workshop, organized by S.A.V.E. Belgium with the participation of the Italian Islamic Confederation (CII) focused on building resilience in the face of Political-Religious Extremism.
Six key speakers, experts in their domain, took the floor: on the one hand to give valuable insights and findings regarding narratives, target audience, and recruitment tactics related to Islamism and on the other hand to share good and bad practices on how to avoid the parameters which allow such a radicalism to appear.
Participants were mostly from the associative area, and mainly as field actors (governmental, medical, penitentiary services).
Building resilience in the face of political-religious extremism with the main aim to protect youth from violent radical narratives is a multidimensional work which requires a general commitment of the society.
All experts agreed, and their personal, associative and professional commitment shows it, on the importance of education, formation and training, in schools, prisons and for the imams. Education and knowledge are a powerful weapon against the ignorance which is the main pivot for violent and extreme theories.