Turin, 9Th July 2019
CICERO’s Project Management Team (PMT) was composed by all Work Package (WP) Leaders and chaired by UNITO, which is the project coordinator. The meeting has been organized in order to monitor the project progress and ensure that each WP accomplishes its objectives and delivers the expected results in due time and in line with project requirements.
During the meeting, WP Leaders illustrated the detailed work plan (including description of subtasks, procedures and partners’ responsibilities)and reported the WP achievements/results in relation to the general and specific objectives of the project.
- Piercarlo Rossi, Anja Gunjak, Giulia Roasio – Università degli Studi di Torino (UNITO) Project LEAD Coordinator & WPL / WP1;
- Francesco Farinelli – European Foundation for Democracy (EFD) WPL / WP2;
- Amina Tailouti – Society Against Violent Extremism (SAVE) WPL / WP3;
- Christian Violi, Eleonora Dorissi – Novareckon WPL / WP4;