Left-wing extremism (LWE)
The 4th Train the Trainer Workshop, organized by European Foundation Democracy (EFD) and Expert System Iberia (ESI) focused on Left-Wing Extremism in Europe and it addressed practitioners involved in designing and implementing activities and research to prevent and counter radicalisation and violent extremism, with the aim to collecting reflections, insights and recommendations on how to react and to face this threat. Participants were members of law enforcement agencies, researchers, practitioners, students, teachers, social workers and members of civil society organisations.
From the interesting and participating discussion emerged the topic of the underestimation of the threat concerning the LWE, especially in the West and Southern Europe. During the workshop it was also showed the similarity between LWE and other forms of extremism (e.g., Right-Wing Extremism, Islamist Extremism, etc.) in terms of propaganda and recruitment techniques.
The explanation of the main features concerning insurrectionary anarchism in terms of structure, modus operandi, recruitment campaigns and financing also aroused the curiosity of many participants.
The issue about the propaganda was analysed in-depth, also observing the online tools created to monitor extremist content online with natural language processing. Thanks to a tool named “Analysts’ Workspace, it was showed by Expert System Iberia how today it’s possible to use specific software, have a collection of data concerning radical and extremist messages, posts and comments, statistical feedbacks about the latter and have the instruments to better respond to these contents and tailor appropriate answers to the extremist narratives spread online.